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Chairman: SengCheong Vice Chairman: Kelvin
Adam Aishah Binhan Brandon Bryan ChngYong Darren Eefan FarahAmira Fauzi
Gershon Geraldine Harishpal Hidayah Hongwei Jamilah Jess Joanne Jonathan Joreen
Joyce Kaizhi Khairi Khairul KianFoong Ming Xiao Penghong Rowena Syarina Tessandra
Tingzhen Victoria Waiman Weiting Yichew Yuhui Zul


Form teacher: Ms Hannah Yeo Co-form teacher: Ms Melissa Wan
English: Ms May Kang ; E.maths: Mr Eric Low ; Chinese: Ms Lim
Malay: Mr Rohasan ; Chemistry: Ms Hannah Yeo ; Physics: Mr Andrew Kang
Geography: Mdm Fadillah ; Social Studies: Ms Melissa Wan
D&T: Mr Lee/Mr Ng ; F&N: Mdm Siti ; P.E: Mr Tan ; A.maths: Mrs Lim ; Literature: Ms Faith Ong



Off you gooooooo~

Bryan Charaine Eefan Emma Geraldine Jess Joreen Kelvin Khairul Rowena Tessandra Victoria Waiman Yuhui

Monday, November 23, 2009 / 1:41 AM
Super 5A♥!

hello my dearest 5A! I hope that even when we all go our seperate ways, we'd still be in contact with each other! we may not be able to meet up all the time and all but as long as we don't drift apart, it isn't too big of a problem. it has been 5 long years in Dunman together and we through so much to be where we are today - the graduates of Dunman batch 2009! we fought so hard to be where we are together so we'll have fun and party together! the latest get together chalet was really fun, really awesome. there would be definitely more get together stuffs so hopefully everyone would turn up! anyway! we have a christmas party that is gonna be held most probably on the 24th of december! do log into facebook and affirm your attendance ok!!! PLEASE COME CLASSMATES!! last but not least, do know my dearest classmates, that I love you all so much & it's hard to leave you guys now! you guys will always be in my heart!

xoxo, row!

Sunday, November 22, 2009 / 6:48 PM
Super 5A♥!

A letter to 5A 2009!

Dear 5A 2009,

Hmm where should I even start? From the screamings? OR the drilling of mole concept? OR the trying to convince you guys that Chemistry is not that hard?
144! Bunny! Teacher(S)! 3 persons! Dog, Ghost! Cold jokes! Veggie!! Planets! LOL I've really no idea how to begin this. Ok let's start at the beginning, that wonderful January morning of 2006.

What I remember most about that day was Adam because he was a new student. HAHA and all of you making fun of him. (BLACK!) Also I remember how we had to get a class committee and Bryan Ong and Kelvin were saboed! HAHAHA and I was ok because I didn't know about any of you at all, your deep and dark history in Secondary One, and how you guys were not as innocent as I thought you were. Yikes. And of course I remembered how I had to convince Kel not to quit in the first week of duty and that he can do it. I was so idealistic then, convinced I was able to make a difference to the class but little did I expect the challenges that were to come and how I was ready to give up at the end of 2006 and how ready I was to embrace a new class at that point! Well back to the class 2G then. What else can I remember about 2G? Hmmm baking cookies at Bryan Ong's home, uhmm a class full of people who loved having fun and hated studying (HAHA) except for Swee Ping and Estee (my only hopes for decent grades in class), girls who hated me because I was a fashion police, me wanting to throttle Victoria for her outlandish fashion statements involving hair (remember how I nearly barred her from taking class photos that year?), Bryan Ong wanting to kill Math cos you guys made fun of him and his size, bball boys hiding from Mrs Sundar's classes and getting barred from the bball game and people being caught for smoking and that's pretty much that's about it? What wonderful memories of 2G eh? But frankly speaking I wasn't too great a teacher myself that year, I just gave up halfway and did what was necessary but that was about all.

Zooming to end of 2006, looking forward to 2007 and my supposed new class 2D 2007 when I received a call from Mrs Neo. I even remember I was in the car on the ECP in the direction of Tampines. LOL and Mrs Neo informed me that the teacher who was supposed to be your Chem teacher was leaving and she needed me to take over and I had to also be the form teacher of one of the 3G classes! I was like @#!@#!!! But of course I had to say yes. It was 5 days before school was to reopen and I needed to help so i VERY GRUDGINGLY agreed.

Flash forward to start of Term 2, the class GRADES WERE ABYSMAL and by then, I was desperate to make a difference, to do something to change things because I just didn't want 2006 to repeat itself all over again. Before I continue, let's introduce two new characters to the class, Seng Cheong and Jonathan Fan. LOL. Hi guys! So I got Weiting, Eefan, Yong and Joreen, my class committee members to meet me for brunch at Cafe Cartel where I wanted them to feedback to me what on earth the matter is. I just wanted to know how to help you guys. I will always remember what TWT said. She went, "Miss Yeo, are we really one of the worst classes around? That's what people says" And I was like GOLLY of course not!! But at that point I knew I was on the wrong path and wrong direction and I was like forgetting my purpose why I wanted to become a teacher because I really haven't been helping you guys at all. So there and then I decided to embark on Operation Win-Every-Award-Possible, to show you guys that you can achieve things together as a class and that you guys can also show people what you guys are capable of! HAHAHA and so at this point I want to introduce one more character, MR ANDREW KANG! He really is a gem of a teacher and I really have learned so much from him. He was of course form of 3G1 then and so we both joined forces together for 3G1 and 3G2 and so remember Kookaburra and Australia and the performance we put up for International Friendship Day? LOL we won our first victory as a class!! Followed by Sports Day where we won Sports class too? And of course I will nvr forget Kota Tinggi. We really had so much fun as a class and we were so united then remember? The strange play we put up with superheroes as our theme, the climbing of hills and working together to help one another.

Come Semester Two, we embarked on Project improve your grades! LOL the many nights spent at T Mart MacDonald's or void decks slaving over all the subjects, from SS (Ireland!) to Geog (coasts!) to Chem (chemical bonding!) to Maths!! And most of you managed to get promoted to S4! Except four people, but that was when I got to know Brandon, Vic, Zulhakim better, as we embarked on Project Get-them-Promoted! And Vic remember all our water and neutral jokes cos of all the drama? AND THEY GOT PROMOTED! That was also the time we had our inaugural class barbeque! The picture at our class blog header, the center one, that was taken then? And our first class chalet, the tiny one roomer at downtown East? Where Cheong and Ah-hem slept together? LOL at that point, I was really so glad and so glad and so glad (as in the feeling at the the end of the year of what the class achieved, not the couple sleeping side by side!! LOL). It was awesome and the best feeling I had as a teacher ever and I was so proud of every single one of you.

Well the next two year S4 and S5 was when the two classes joined together again (no more G1 and G2!) we had more class chalets and sat for 2 major exams N Levels and O Levels, won more prizes, Human Jackpot where we got most creative store and super cool class deco!! And we ended of with a bang with our class chalet and PROM!

So have I enjoyed myself? Well I cannot lie. There were times I really wished I had a new form class, there were times I was so discouraged I cried to sleep. There were times I just felt disappointed and I felt like I was a big fat FAILURE, there were times I felt I was a lousy and impatient teacher and how I wish I was more like Mr Kang, never frazzled and one that never loses his temper. I was especially discouraged when some of you said that Physics was the one that will save your Science and how you guys hated and detested Chem. LOL I KID YOU NOT. But then there were the times when you guys rock my socks, like that first Teacher's Day Surprise Party you held for me in S3, giving me the beaker-shaped card, or the times the class helped to move the Science Labs, never complaining but working your utmost for the school and basically doing sai-gang (shitwork), the times we worked together as a class, the time you guys did class deco without me being involved at all, the time the class achieved one of the best Science grades for N Levels throughout the years, some of you lovin' chem eventually. and the beginning of it all, i.e. the winning of the International Friendship Day. I am so proud of how you guys have evolved. From unmotivated students who just wanted to have fun, to a bunch who worked hard together (tho not as hard as I would have liked but that's just me. Too high expectations! So sorry for the unnecessary pressure sometimes). I really don't think I will ever have a form class like you guys again. FOUR YEARS is really a long time. But it has passed in a blink of an eye. Just recapping all these makes me breathless (but I'm not teary yet!)

I want to thank all of you for making me who I am today. If not for you guys, I don't think I will have grown so much as a teacher or as an individual. I have seen how the NEVER SAY NEVER spirit, or even the class motto "A journey of a thousand miles begin with a single footstep" or the Dunman 5Ds has been displayed in each and every one of you at some point or other and how it can accomplish so much. Our successes may not seem like major accomplishments with the SAVE the WORLD kind of an impact but I am sure we have learned to grow to love each other, forgive each other, to accept each other strengths and weaknesses and even accept each other for who we are. And that my friends is WORLD PEACE!

From the various quarrels and misunderstandings, we have grown to understand each other better, learn to deal with one another's quirks and become special friends. I don't think all of us have become BFFs but I am sure 2G'06/3G1/3G2'07/4G/5A will have a special place in each and every one of you. After all, there are mighty little people that can claim to be in the same class for 5 years and have 1 form teacher for four of those years. LOL whether that's good or bad just keep those thoughts in your head!

If I have offended you guys or mishandled any situations or said the wrong things sometimes, please forgive me ok?

Finally I want to thank you guys for the joy and laughter you've brought to my life and I will miss you always. School will never be the same without you. The class montage has been shifted to school so I can look at you guys frequently. Grin. (NOTE: I LOVE THOSE PRESENTS YOU MADE! ESP THE CLASS BIBLE!! LOL.) Continue to make new friends and experience new things, but remember you will never walk alone! And you can always holler or message me anytime. Love you people and you will always be in my thoughts.

Miss Yeo.

P.S Christmas party in December anyone?

/ 2:14 PM
Super 5A♥!

Its been so long that someone actually fill this space with photos!
Time flies, 5years. How fast? Still remember the first day we stepped into the class, everyone was so polite and shy! Look, now? We can joke and "mock" at each other!! Laughing at the silly jokes. like 144! etc! haha
Thank You, Miss Yeo for every single things you did for the class. Encouraging the class, pushing and backing each and everyone of us up till now! Thanks for placing all your trust in us even some teachers keep complaining about us and all, giving up on us, you never want to give up on us! You never fail to allow our class to bond together! Help us in our studies beyond working hours and stuff. You are someone more than a form teacher to us. Someone whom we look up to when we have problems, someone whom we can joke around with, someone whom grow with us as a big family!
Sorry that we may not be sensitive enough in our childish act and stuff.
Like some people still visit the arcade during o levels and stuff like that! haha
We all love you, and appreciate everything Ah Yeo!!!!


And not forgetting Mr kang!
Thanks for helping the class too even we are not your form class anymore.
You rocks too, Ah Kang!!!!

More pictures at facebook!!

This year's national day!

This year's racial harmony day!

And last years..

This year class photo taking!!

Keep in contact people!!!
Gonna miss 5A so much!!